Our Mission

Biblioteca Amor y Paz is a library that was established in a small, impoverished village in Nicaragua in 2014. It is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization (NGO). The library is located on the outskirts of the colonial city of Leon, in a village called Esfuerzo de la Comunidad. Before the library was founded, there were little to no books or educational materials available to children and adolescents in their free time.

The community library strives to provide children and adolescents with educational resources and opportunities to engage in a variety of activities that will ultimately benefit them by gaining reading/writing skills, furthering their education, and increasing their knowledge of the world. Through the use of the library and its programs, it is hoped children and teenagers will develop a desire for life long learning, which will give them the ability to empower themselves to reach their greatest potential in life.

We offer tutoring programs for primary and secondary students on a daily basis, story hours, and arts and crafts activities. We also run quarterly field trips for all of our children and adolescents to different museums and local parks. We provide a small snack on a daily basis as many of our children do not eat three full meals a day.